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Radio JOY Background History
Radio JOY 90.5 FM, Kigoma, is the only radio station broadcasting in Kigoma. We started full Broadcasting in February 2016. Radio JOY FM is a Community Radio here in Kigoma which ensures the society of Kigoma is well informed, entertained.
Revised 2022
Full Name | Community Radio Joy |
Registered Acronym, if any | RJ |
TCRA Legal Status | Commercial Broadcasting Trustees of JOY IN THE HARVEST ,Act.Cap.172 |
Registration Number and year of establishment | Radio JOY 90.5 FM ,Broadcasting started in February 2016 |
Physical Address | Kibirizi road, Joy in The Harvest Plot |
TCRA Compliance | Content service ( Commercial Broadcasting Services free to air –Radio ) in Kigoma for 5 years ,Act.Cap.06 Laws of Tanzania |
Radio Service Coverage | Kigoma , Tabora, Katavi, fishermen along Lake Tanganyika |
Radio Tower Capacity | 2000W Mulole –Kigoma/Ujiji Urban ; 300W Heru juu-Kasulu
Tower ht 35m- Kigoma/Ujiji and Tower ht-48m Heru Juu |
Postal Address | P.O.Box 795 |
radiojoy@radiojoy.org | |
Name/Position | Contact (s) |
1.Executive Director
Mwenge Muyombi |
Email: mwengemuyombi@radiojoy.org
director@radiojoy.co.tz Mob.+25575271818 /76886899 |
2.Radio Executive Producer | Email: producer@radiojoy.co.tz
Mob.+255 622 097953 |
3.Sales and Marketing officer
Elisheba Ndijenyene |
Email: radiojoy@radiojoy.co.tz ; advertising@radiojoy.co.tz
+255620676866/75280209 |
- 0 A Brief Description of Radio Joy Station (RJS)
2.1 Leadership and Approach :
(a)Leadership: We value servant hearted leadership: to reach our goals we will be humble, yet courageous, and persistent. We recognize that we are all leaders in some way shape or form and will always lead by example.
(b).Positive Approach :We will always encourage and display a positive and supportive attitude. We will not condemn or judge. Consistent with our beliefs, we will strive to develop positive attitudes towards all members of our community.
2.2 Characters and Excellence:
We choose to be the best, give our best and do our best as directed by our God . We will constantly strive to achieve the highest possible standards on our day-to-day work, and in the quality of our programs and services
We commit to these values to guide our decisions and our behaviors:
- Teamwork
We promote and support a diverse, yet unified, team. We work together to meet our common goals.
- Respect
We honor the rights and beliefs of our fellow associates and employees, our radio and internet listeners, and our community. We treat others with the highest degree of dignity, equality and trust. - Accountability
We accept our individual and team responsibilities and we meet our commitments and promises. We take responsibility for our performance in all of our decisions and actions. - Integrity
We employ the highest ethical standards, demonstrating honesty and fairness in every action that wetake. - Innovation
We are creative in delivering value to our fellow associates and employees, radio and internet listeners, and the community. We anticipate change everyday and capitalize on the many opportunities that arise.
2.3 Vision
People experiencing the living God , good living ,communication and possession of resources.
2.4 Mission
a)To be a breath of fresh air providing pathways for our community to move closer to Jesus
- b) To be an indispensable and reliable service provider of electronic information and gospel music information – the most valued bridge between our radio and internet listeners, Kigoma region ,Western Zone and the Global.To be reliable and recognized provider of quality service that will enlighten all dimensions of human life at Joy in the harvest and community as a whole
2.5 Pricing,
We believe having a transparent business model delivers the best service for our customers. Many rewards and recognition providers include hidden costs and additional fees in their contracts. We built our business model based on a clear and fair pricing structure to provide the easiest and most straightforward experience possible.
- 0 Ethical Standards of RJS Behavior
Radio Joy mission is rooted in the following standards:
- All beneficiaries [users] have a right participation and involvement in their programs production process that affects their prospects in the market segments.
- Local community and audiences should be the driving forces for their own social and economic development.
- Adopt Joy in the Harvest by-laws to the most Christianity conduct in serving target community regardless faith to promote Gods Love.
- Gender equity is mandatory for poverty eradication process through information and communication instruments.
- Radio resource allocation choices are transparent and guided by sensitive to the costs of operations and financial accountability to ourselves and clients
- Relationship with radio joy service and with clients is based on a foundation of trust, respect, customer oriented and appreciation.
- Continuous learning:- knowledge is the main drive of our community service , we are learning Radio Station and continuously learns from each other or external environment
- We work in team to increase productivity, effectiveness and efficiency regardless of color, tribe, doctrine belief, level of education, physical appearances, etc.
- when we are assigned responsibility, we take full charge and accountability for the expected end results at a specified time to the best of our ICT professionalism
- j) We encourage good dressing code and good behavior that is acceptable in the
- community which cannot discourage the other character
- k)We encourage individual talent and creativity for best and quality service on the radio
- m) We promote God fearing
- 0 Distinctive Competence
- Competence in delivering general or specialized broadcasting, study services based on client motivated demand.
- Management of RJ website features such as u-tube, instagrams, face book, blogs, monkey survey of client products, etc. to acceptable requirement of our customers.
- Extensive experience in advocacy, campaign and lobbing skills to relevant development sectors.
- Ability to provide quality information ,advocacy , campaign and training in wide range of sector expertise relevant to Urban Development, relevant to entrepreneurs, farmers, students, health, infrastructure ,rural people etc.
5.0 Strategic Objectives
- create awareness and promote community involvement and participation in
socio-economic development programs .
- Supporting and promoting government efforts/policies to convey socio-economic
development programs information to her citizens .
- Advocacy and movement of socio-economic services to the public as demanded by clients.
- Promote lifestyle of the community through information, communication and education on development.
- Empower the community to make informed decisions.
- Promote interaction between people of the community. d) Share information with the community.
6.0 Audience Involvement in Radio Joy Station
As community radio stations deal directly with the community affairs, the various socioeconomic, cultural, technological and psychological aspects of the community affects the functioning of the station. Some of these aspects are as follows-
- Listener’sprofile
Listeners ofRJ station are the receiving end of the information broadcasted through the station, have been characterizedbybeingheterogeneousinmany aspects. The socio-personal, economic, psychological and communication characteristics of the listeners vary, due to which the perception of the listeners about community radio and RJ programmesvaries.
The programmes broadcasted through RJ station can be accordingly designed and developed by proper learning ofthe listener’s profile.
Without knowing the audience it is not possible to serve them fully. It becomes necessary to study these characteristics of the listenersto identifytheinformationalneedsof the listeners and to design and develop the community radio programmes accordingly.
- Accountabilitytothe public
The contribution made by RJS in improving the living conditions of the people has major effects on the participation of the community and sustainability of Radio Joy Station. The function played by RJ in life of Target people and segments of the community are as follows-
- I) Informational Function
It is not only the urban population which has to be developed by harnessing the power of the radio joy station, but the whole community consisting of every age group despite of their differences in socioeconomic and political background.
The disseminationof location specific information, use of broadcasting as an educational tool and impact of radio programs on education among the audience , promotion of traditional culture, communication and information sharing ability, entertainment and income promotion programmes, informing opinions, raising awareness, and promotion of solution of problems in society through increased economic activity, social cohesion, radio listeners groups, community mobilization, training, technical support, challenges and criticisms .
- ii) Developmental role
Development of the people as a whole is the sole purpose of the RJ station in development perspective played by the station in the life of the community. The efforts of RJ to address the grass root issues and transformation of local ideas into radio programs, extent of the changes in life ofordinary people, contributionof RJ in amplifying the voices of marginal groups, positive effects and empowerment of women through community radio programmes.
The developmental roles can create a benchmark for assessing the effectiveness of the RJ station in fulfilling the developmental needs of the people.